Monday, 1 May 2017


UNIT- I Computer Basics:ASICS,Computer Generations and Classification, Algorithms, Characteristics of computers, Input/output Units, Description of a processor, Computer Languages (Machine, Assembly, High Level), Introduction of operating system, Functions of operating system, Single User and Multi-user operating systems, Introduction to systems software. Different storage media-CDROM, DVD, BD(Blue Ray Disk ), HDD.

UNIT-II Network:Introduction of computer networks - LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet & Intranet, Asynchronous, Synchronous and Isochronous, Transmission Mode Internet: Internet, Connecting to Internet: Telephone, Cable, Satellite connection, Choosing an ISP, Introduction to Internet services, E-Mail concepts, Sending and Receiving secure E-Mail, Voice and Video Conferencing. Protocols governing the web, web development strategies, Web applications.

UNIT- III WWW: Understanding the WWW and the Internet, Emergence of Web, Web Servers, Web Browsers, Protocols, Building Web Sites HTML:Planning for designing Web pages, Model and structure for a Website, Developing Websites, Basic HTML using images links, Lists, Tables and Forms, Frames for designing a good interactive website CSS; XML: Document Type Definition (DTD), Namespaces, XML schemes, presenting and using XML, Entities, XSL, XLINK, XPATH, XPOINTER, XML Parser, Applications, Integrating XML with other applications.

UNIT-IV JAVA SCRIPT:Programming Fundamentals, Statements, Expressions, Operators, Popup Boxes, Control Statements, Try…. Catch Statement, Throw Statement, and Objects of JavaScript: Date object, array object, Boolean object, math object CSS:External Style Sheets, Internal Style Sheets, Inline Style, The class selector, div & span tag, introduction to AJAX.

UNIT-V DOM: HTML DOM, inner HTML, Dynamic HTML (DHTML), DHTML form, XML DOM. CGI/PERL: Introduction to CGI, Testing &debugging Perl CGI script, Using scalar variables and operators in Perl. Java Applet:Introduction to Java, Writing Java applets, Life cycle of applet.

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